College of Economics and Management

American Journal of Industrial and Business Management

Call for Papers

Dear Dr.

You are cordially invited to submit or recommend articles to the American Journal of Industrial and Business Management (AJIBM, ISSN: 2164-5175), which is a peer-reviewed open access academic journal. AJIBMcovers many aspects in industrial and business management and related areas. More information about the journal can be found at:www.scirp.org/journal/ajibm. We cordially invite you to submit your manuscript to our journal via the Online Submission System. 

About Our journal

Full peer review: All manuscripts submitted to our journals undergo double blind peer review. 
Fast publication: Fast peer review process of papers within approximately one month of submission.
Low price: Publication Fee Assistance to Authors from Low Income Countries.

To authors who cannot afford a full payment of the fee, SCIRP may offer partial to total fee waivers on the sole condition that the papers they submit be of high quality. Article Processing Charges for Low and Lower Middle Income Countries are calculated according to the SCIRP Global Participation Initiative. 

Contact Us

• E-mail:   ajibm@scirp.org         • Skype: scirp_service 
• Tel: 001(209)730-  6998           • LinkedIn: Louis figo 

Editors in Chief 
Prof. Yuan-Shyi Peter Chiu, Chaoyang University of Technology, Chinese Taipei
Prof. Gary C. Lin, Bradley University, USA
AJIBM Editorial Office