College of Economics and Management

2012 International Conference on Education Reform and Management Innovation (ERMI 2012)

2012 International Conference on Education Reform and Management Innovation (ERMI 2012)
December 4-5, 2012    Shenzhen, China
Paper submission due: October 20, 2012
We are delighted to invite you to participate in 2012 International Conference on Education Reform and Management Innovation (ERMI 2012), Shenzhen, China. The objective of ERMI 2012 is to provide a forum for researchers, educators, engineers, and government officials involved in the general areas of Education Reform and Management Innovation to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views on the future research directions of these fields.
All accepted papers will be published by Information Engineering Research Institute, USA (http://www.ier-institute.org/), ISBN: 978-1-61275-037-8 which will be indexed by CPCI-SSH and submitted for indexing by EI Compendex. Selected papers will be published in the following journals.
Social Science Letters [ISSN: 2163-4130]
Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods [ISSN: 2160-0643]
Advances in Mechanical Engineering [ISSN: 2160-0619]
Information Engineering Letters [ISSN: 2160-4114]
Contact us:
Tel: 18672757885 or 18672366652
[1020日截稿](深圳)2012年教育改革与管理创新国际学术会议(ERMI 2012)
大会接收的文章由IERI出版,并将被世界三大检索之一的Web of Science CPCI-SSH (ISSHP)检索。
咨询电话:18672757885 or 18672366652