College of Economics and Management


















[1]      教育部人文社会科学研究项目“家庭综合能源系统优化运行及其干扰管理研究”,2025.1.1 – 2027.12.3110万,主持

[2]      教育部人文社会科学研究项目“用能行为偏好影响下的家庭能源管理优化模型与节能策略研究”,No. 20YJCZH1082020.1.1 – 2022.12.318万,主持

[3]      国家自然科学基金项目“家庭智能用电任务调度优化及其对电网负荷影响分析模型”,No.515070992016.1.1 – 2018.12.3120万,主持

[4]      上海市教委科研创新一般项目“智能用电下家庭用户智能用电行为分析及行为偏好获取研究”,No. 14YS0942014.1.1 – 2016.12.313万,主持

[5]      上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金项目“面向隐性目标决策问题的IEC决策方法与策略研究”,No.sdl100212011.1.1 – 2012.12.313万,主持

[6]      国家自然科学基金项目面向社会网络基于语义偏好和信任引导的群体推荐方法研究No.716011092017.1.1-2019.12.3117万元,排名第3

[7]      上海市哲学社会科学规划课题面向社会化商务客户关系管理的群体推荐方法研究No.2016EGL0012017.1.1-2019.12.314万元,排名第2



[1]      Qing Lu, Huaxin Fang. Promoting low-carbon development in Yangtze River Delta area in China through the lens of decarbonization of industrial gas producers: A case study based on evolutionary game and Lotka-Volterra models[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, 207: 123594. SCI一区

[2]      Qing Lu, Huaxin Fang, Jianchao Hou. The impact of energy supply side on the diffusion of low-carbon transformation on energy demand side under low-carbon policies in China[J]. Energy, 2024, 307: 132817. SCI一区

[3]      Qing Lu, Minzhe Liu. A multi-criteria compromise ranking decision-making approach for analysis and evaluation of community-integrated energy service system [J]. Energy, 2024, 306: 132439. SCI一区

[4]      Qing Lu, Huaxin Fang, Jianchao Hou. Renewable portfolio development in parallel with green industrial development policies towards the decarbonization targets of industrial gas producers in China [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 460: 142501. SCI一区

[5]      Qing Lu, Qisheng Guo, Wei Zeng. Optimal dispatch of community integrated energy system based on Stackelberg game and integrated demand response under carbon trading mechanism [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 219: 119508. SCI二区

[6]      Qing Lu, Wei Zeng, Qisheng Guo, Shuaikang Lü. Optimal operation scheduling of household energy hub: A multi-objective optimization model considering integrated demand response [J]. Energy Reports, 2022, 8: 15173-15188. SCI二区

[7]      Qing Lu, Qisheng Guo, Wei Zeng. Optimization scheduling of home appliances in smart home: A model based on a niche technology with sharing mechanism [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022, 141: 108126. SCI二区

[8]      Qing Lu, Qisheng Guo, Wei Zeng. Optimization scheduling of integrated energy service system in community: A bi-layer optimization model considering multi-energy demand response and user satisfaction [J]. Energy, 2022, 252: 124063. SCI一区

[9]      Qing Lu, Yufeng Zhang. A multi-objective optimization model considering users’ satisfaction and multi-type demand response in dynamic electricity price [J]. Energy, 2022, 240: 122504. SCI一区

[10]  Qing Lu, Yufeng Zhang. Demand response strategy of game between power supply and power consumption under multi-type user mode [J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022, 134: 107348. SCI二区

[11]  Qing Lu, Qisheng Guo, Wei Zeng. Optimization scheduling of an integrated energy service system in community under the carbon trading mechanism: A model with reward-penalty and user satisfaction [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 323: 129171. SCI一区

[12]   Qing Lu, Zhixin Zhang, Shuaikang Lü. Home energy management in smart households: Optimal appliance scheduling model with photovoltaic energy storage system [J]. Energy Reports, 2020, 6: 2450-2462. SCI二区

[13]  Qing Lu, Shuaikang Lü, Yajun Leng, Zhixin Zhang. Optimal household energy management based on smart residential energy hub considering uncertain behaviors [J]. Energy, 2020, 195: 117052. SCI一区

[14]  Qing Lu, Shuaikang Lü, Yajun Leng. A Nash-Stackelberg game approach in regional energy market considering users’ integrated demand response [J]. Energy, 2019, 175: 456-470. SCI一区

[15]  Qing Lu, Hao Yu, Kangli Zhao, Yajun Leng, Jianchao Hou, Pinjie Xie. Residential demand response considering distributed PV consumption: A model based on China’s PV policy [J]. Energy, 2019, 172: 443-456. SCI一区

[16]  陆青, 郁浩, 冷亚军, 侯建朝, 谢品杰. 家庭智能用电任务调度优化模型及其算法研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2018, 38(13): 3826-3836. EI检索:20183905860740

[17]  陆青, 郁浩, 赵康丽, 冷亚军. 分时电价下基于供用电双方博弈的家庭用户需求响应[J].现代电力, 2019, 36(6): 68-74. (北大核心)

[18]  陆青, 张治新, 冷亚军, 吕帅康. 计及光伏储能的家庭智能用电系统调度模型[J]. 智慧电力, 2019, 47(12): 30-36. (北大核心)

[19]  Qing Lu, Zhixin Zhang. A Genetic Algorithm Regression Model for the Mid-long Term of China's Electricity Consumption [C]. In: Proceedings of the 31th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2019 CCDC), Nanchang, China, 2019, 4776-4782. EI检索:20194207534142

[20]  张治新, 陆青, 张世翔. 国内综合能源服务发展趋势与策略研究[J]. 浙江电力, 2019, 38(2):1-6.

[21]  陆青, 谢品杰, 冷亚军, 侯建朝, 孙波. 面向家庭智能用电的用电任务调度优化[J]. 华东电力, 2014, 42(5): 816-821. (北大核心)

[22]  陆青, 谢品杰, 冷亚军, 侯建朝. 可降低负荷峰值的智能用电任务调度优化[J]. 电气应用, 2014, 33(20): 32-35.(北大核心)

[23]  陆青, 谢品杰, 孙波. 基于共享机制的自适应混合遗传算法[J]. 计算机仿真, 2012, 29(12): 274-278. (北大核心)

[24]  陆青, 梁昌勇, 杨善林, 张俊岭. 面向多模态函数优化的自适应小生境遗传算法[J]. 模式识别与人工智能, 2009, 22(1): 91-100. EI检索:20091512023227

[25]  陆青, 梁昌勇, 张恩桥. A Dynamic Sharing Scheme-based Multimodal Niche Genetic Algorithm. The 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA2008), Chongqing, China, 2008, 5333-5338. EI检索:20083911600230

[26]  陆青, 梁昌勇, 黄永青, 张俊岭. 面向旅游行程规划的交互式多智能体遗传算法[J]. 计算机应用研究, 2008, 25(11): 3311-3313.

[27]  Lu Qing, Leng Yajun, Xie Pinjie, Sun Bo. An Intelligent Task Scheduling Algorithm of Electricity Consumption for Reducing the Load Peak[C]. In: Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA2014), Shenyang, China, 2014, 5014-5019. EI检索:20152600978102